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A new earth.

Co-creating with celestial beings a new civilization,
united by a spirituality without religion, an economy without profit and a vision inspired by sustainable families and universal values.
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Start Your Journey
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The Spirit within you.

The starting point for transforming your life, your community and your planet.

If the time has come for you to have a direct line with the Creator of all things, if you are hungry for a spiritual energy so great that it is capable of transforming your life and the entire planet, and if you are willing, to get out of your belief box to meet Jesus like you had never imagined before.

This is the space for you.

Read More about Chris Michael

You are not here by chance, you have followed the trail of light we have left for you.

This space has been created to tell you that you are not alone, that this planet is not adrift, that there is an invisible planetary government that for thousands of years has participated in ways you do not understand in the awakening of humanity.

We are here to help you establish a deep dialogue with the Creator of all things, the Spirit that dwells within you. We will help you to grow, to understand the universal laws and principles indispensable to sustain your life and to create together a new civilization.

We will train your mind and expand your soul so you can join the adventure of knowing the Father, knowing the Son and discovering the power of the indwelling Spirit to transform your life and transform your world.

—Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager of Urantia

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We want to inspire you and show you the starting line for a better life and a better world.

Wait for our courses very soon.

Jesus of Nazareth

You need not see things in the same way, nor feel things in the same way, nor think in the same way to be spiritually equal. 

Spiritual unity comes from the awareness that each of you is inhabited, and increasingly dominated, by the spiritual gift of the Heavenly Father. 

Urantia Book 141:5.1

Feed your spirit and your anxiety will starve.

Enjoy our blog and get in touch with wisdom,

principles and values that will guide, nurture and enrich your life.

Message from Maquiventa.

"We are in the presence of our creator. We live and move and have our being in Him, and we have before us a tremendous opportunity, collectively, to make a real difference in this world at this time. And so let us agree that that's what we will do together. We will live in peace, we will live in love, we will resolve our differences and come out shining because, as Jesus said, we will know them by their love for one another.

And so, no matter what else we would achieve if we don't love one another, it will be for naught. But no matter what we fail at, if we love one another and provide a living example of this love to the world, we will have achieved everything."

—Machiventa Melchizedek

Learn more about Machiventa

Start your journey.

Meet the Creator Son of the universe where you live, experience the embrace of the Mother Spirit,

learn who Monjoronson is, the first Paradise Son to visit our planet, get close to Machiventa Melchizedek, our Planetary Prince and get in touch with the great teachings that will revolutionize your way of thinking.


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"... My true spiritual destiny was forged for me the day when my father and his then wife, Petal, visited me in Colombia and, while we were walking through the lawn care of the Country Club of Bogotá, he suddenly turned to me and said to me: "Someday there will be a science of the soul."

Marthe Muller, COO of SAWID

The great Creator not only gave you the spirit that inhabits you.

He placed within your genetic code universal values intrinsic to every human being, which can be activated through your awareness and understanding and implemented in your life to direct each of your decisions, sharing a universal morality with all beings around you. These values are:


  1. Life

  2. Quality of Life

  3. Growth

  4. Equality

  5. Empathy

  6. Compassion

  7. Love for Humanity

This illustrated iBook will guide you in an easy and enjoyable way in understanding these values and their application in your daily life.

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